Dental Trauma Review Service
Experience it: The first time you call on NADENT, you'll discover why a host of major insurance companies and adjustment bureaus depend on us for prompt action and professional service. More often than not, our report, based on the findings of experts, will serve to settle the claim. Of course, payment decisions are the sole responsibility of the insurer. Our professional opinions are intended to provide a guideline to the insurer when making those decisions.
NADENT has saved many insurers more than a million dollars a year for years. We provide in-house educational training seminars. These seminars are provided free of charge and, in some cases, are accepted for continuing education credits in various states. We abide by all state rules and regulations.
Claim processing: Between May and December, 2013, NADENT consolidated all dental review operations to one national location in Fort Collins, Colorado. Claims from all 50 states should now be submitted to NADENT’s national headquarters office in Fort Collins, Colorado, found under the contact section. Claims from all Canadian provinces and from all states in Mexico may also be submitted to this same location.