Procedure for Submitting a Claim
In order to maintain the best possible relationship with your insured, we know you want to settle claims quickly and fairly. NADENT is uniquely positioned to help you accomplish just that -- and to make certain at the same time that the claim submitted is not fraudulent or overstated. Please submit the following information so that our consultants have everything they need to make a determination. Our goal is to give you a thorough review, as timely as possible.
Include the following information with your NADENT Claim Form:
First Report of Injury
Emergency Room Report and/or Police Report (if applicable)
Signed Medical Authorization Release (include all providers)
X-Rays (Any taken by current dentist, and any priors if possible)
• Digital x-ray - submit as email attachments, or printed and mailed.
• Original x-rays may be copied onto x-ray film, NOT paper.
• IMPORTANT: Do not submit printed x-rays by fax.
Clinical Chart Notes
• Before and after date of the incident.
• Treatment Plan & Fees
TMD Claims: In addition to the above, a narrative from the attending dentist and any information that is pertinent to the claim from other providers (neurologists, orthopedists, chiropractors, diagnostic reports, etc.)
Be sure that all of information pertinent to the dental portion of the claim is sent to NADENT with the request. If you have any problem securing dental x-rays, make sure to tell the attending dentist they will be reviewed by licensed dentists.
Please direct all dental claim assignments to NADENT’s National Office in Fort Collins, Colorado.